the sanctuary? holy of holies!
Persecution is real!
Is it the apostates, a disgruntled MS, or the GB building a story to sell to the doubting crowd?
the sanctuary? holy of holies!
Persecution is real!
Is it the apostates, a disgruntled MS, or the GB building a story to sell to the doubting crowd?
i have a legitimate question and i am not trying to start a fight.
i keep reading that there were 6 child abuse lawsuits that settled for 13 million dollars.
how do people like barbara anderson or jwsurvey or jwfacts come up with this number?
Richard Oliver: "Doctrine is up to interpretation"
Yes an interpretation that has robbed many people of their money, their lives, their time. An interpretation that has led to the abuse of children all over the world, but I digressed... what matter is the accuracy of the settlement victims got. Who cares about the causes of the settlement, and the damage inflicted to the victims. Right Richard?
greetings, word lovers:.
in my job, i work with words and wrangle them into shape, well, in a manner of speaking.
one word might be mistaken for another, a word with either a similar or identical sound.
Chutzpah (from Yiddish)
Shameless audacity
A word that describes the Watchtower to a T when it judges others for lying
The high cost of medical care correlates with the big awards in civil courts related to medical malpractice and drugs that produced more problems than solutions. Add to that the retirement of the biggest generation, the baby boomers. We Americans are quite ready to demand millions for our suffering, while pretending not to know that it is our neighbor and family members who ultimately will pay for those millions awarded in the U.S. courts. Politicians can not fix the high cost of healthcare and they know it, but found it as an opportunity to score political points by ranting about the other party ill advised policies.
my g'daughter and her hubby are stationed in okinawa.. i talked with her a few hours earlier today, and she stated they're preparing for the worst.. young people are remarkably resilient, aren't they?.
My son is traveling this summer to South Korea with a group of other American high schoolers. It would be devastating to my son if the trip is cancelled. Two years ago, the same trip was scheduled, but cancelled because of the MERS virus in 2015. This is his last chance to make it to South Korea under this program because he will be moving on to university. Our city's (Burbank, CA) cultural exchange program never had a cancelled trip in 30 years and now my son may get two cancelled trips, back to back. What are the odds.
But I rather have it cancelled if it's dangerous.
it is not uncommon for theists to accuse rational people on this forum of "scientism".. in my opinion it is nothing but a cheap shot from those who know they lack evidence for their beliefs.
if something like "scientism" actually does exist then i have never encountered it.. here is part of an exchange from another thread - i have brought it here as it was off-topic.... scientism = claim of scientific method being universal and the only valid method of knowledge.
followers of scientism always demand scientific evidence to anything.
John Mann and other "spiritual" nuts
"Scientism", as you call it has provided you with the ability to type messages and have anyone with internet access anywhere in the world to read it. Books can be written about all the things "scientism" makes possible for everyone to benefit from, including religious nuts. Give me something from religion that can be used as the basis to improve the material world.
Religion can only improve the life of those who prefer fantasy over reality. I am quite Ok with that. I just wouldn't rely on those people to bring innovation to improve our lives, even keep us alive. They provide HOPE, a meaningless word in a world that requires real solutions.
the following is from a facebook post and..maybe i am missing something, but none of these items disprove them being in a cult.
jehovah's witnesses are often mistaken to be something else.
some say it a secret cult while others believe something else.......i'm very proud to tell you my readers that i'm one of jehovah's witnesses.. below are 17 facts that shows jehovah's witness is not a cult..... 1. there are currently about 8 million jehovah's witnesses around the world.. 2. an average of over 800 people become jehovah's witnesses daily.. 3. we keep coming to your doors even though we have regular jobs and family like you because we are admonished to do so by jesus christ.. 4. we do not participate in wars and for this reason more than 1600 jehovah's witnesses were killed by hitler.. 5. there are currently over 300 jehovah's witnesses in prison in south korea and egypt because they refused to stop preaching or enlist in the military.. 6. we don't salute the flag or say national anthems because we pledge our allegiance only to god.. 7. yes we have fun and party too so don't get that twisted.. 8. not many of us know the name of the president of our headquarters because we do not pay any reference to him he is a fellow servant of god just like the rest of us are.. 9. you earn the privilege of becoming a jehovah's witness.
You forgot few other proofs:
THEY ARE NOT A CULT!! Why didn't I see it before??/
i guess at this point in time and space i'm ok if there's an indication of things going in the right direction.. my jw father, who joined the jws in 1973 when i was 8, has always had all the characteristics of the stereotypical brainwashed born again weirdo.
as a jw he always felt the need to show that he was more devoted than the rest of the crop.
to him, life became very easy from that point on: "the bible", interpreted by the millions of wt publications, along with the information in the meetings and getting involved in all jw activities, were the answer to everything and anything in his life".
Great story. It appeared too long, but I got to the end without resting one second or skipping anything. This is very unusual for me when I read stories that have more than 6 paragraphs. Thank you for the confirmation of my belief that there's many good people who do the right thing for the sake of doing good and not because they need approval or reward.
as some may know as reported by jwsurvey in october 2014 that a lawsuit against watchtower was initiated in vermont.
march 30, 2017 saw a resolution to this case with a summary judgment being filled in watchtower favor..
Richard Oliver: "I never said it was a good thing. I just presented that the case is now over."
Good to know. Now we can rely that you will keep us informed about all child abuse cases related to the Watchtower, ruled in favor or against. Who needs apostates, we got Richard. right?
... but, they fail to take note of one important detail.. i believe that if we are going to have any chance of reasoning with a jw about blood, this is the place we need to begin.. don't try to convince them that it was only a dietary law.
it wasn't, and they will never go along with it.. don't tell them that saving a life is more important than obeying a law, even a seemingly trivial one.
they take pride in obedience.
Fish: "you are no authority here."
And who the hell is an authority on the thoughts and will of the silence, invisible thing on a throne in the sky. If God really wanted to communicate his will in a clear matter, he wouldn't need humans. He created the universe; I guess to utter a clear simple sentence about refusal of blood transfusion is much easier than building galaxies. But he ain't doing anything. Likely, he doesn't give a shit one way or the other.